I have values stored in xml and lua code and accessing object's properties through RTTI.
o, v: TValue; // o is current object
a: TStringDynArray; // params as array
ctx: TRttiContext;
tt: TRttiType;
p: TRttiProperty;
pt: PTypeInfo;
ctx := TRttiContext.Create;
o := GetLastClassInParams(ctx, obj, a, param_idx);
tt := ctx.GetType(o.TypeInfo);
if high(a) < param_idx then
raise Exception.Create(S_FN + S_NOP);
p := tt.GetProperty(a[param_idx]);
if p = nil then
raise Exception.Create(S_FN + S_PNE + a[param_idx]);
pt := p.PropertyType.Handle;
case p.PropertyType.TypeKind of
tkInteger: v := TValue.From<integer>(integer(Value));
tkEnumeration: v := TValue.FromOrdinal(pt, GetEnumValue(pt, VarToStr(Value)));
tkUString: v := TValue.From<string>(VarToStr(Value));
tkFloat: v := TValue.From<double>(double(Value));
tkSet: begin
temp_int := StringToSet(pt, VarToStr(Value));
TValue.Make(@temp_int, pt, v);
else v := TValue.FromVariant(Value);
p.SetValue(o.AsObject, v);
I can work with many properties like Width
, Lines.Text
of TMemo etc, even with Panels[0].Width
of TStatusBar (where Panels is TCollection descendant), but thing like TStringGrid.Cells[x, y]
is something I can't solve.
There is help on Embarcadero and some functions like GetIndexedProperty
(maybe that is what I need), but explanation there as good as "Gets Indexed Property"
How to set and get TStringGrid.Cells[x,y]
through RTTI at runtime if I have values stored as strings like "Cells[1,1]"