I try to use Xft, the tutorial, well let them calling that a tutorial... looks like it was written in a north korean camp... I also found this one. So let me try to do a step-by-step :
// g++ XftTest.cc -lX11 -lXft `pkg-config --cflags freetype2`
int main()
Display *display;
XftFont *font;
XftDraw *xftdraw;
XRenderColor xrcolor;
XftColor xftcolor;
display = XOpenDisplay(0);
Window XP = XCreateSimpleWindow(display,DefaultRootWindow(display),0,0,360,90,0,0,0);
font = NULL; /* added 6/16 */
//font = XftFontOpenName(display,0,"NorthKorea-50"); // how to check if this is good ?
font = XftFontOpenName(display,0,"") /* added 6/16 */
if (!font) return 1;
xftdraw = XftDrawCreate(display,XP,DefaultVisual(display,0),DefaultColormap(display,0));
xrcolor.red =65535;
xrcolor.blue =0;
XftDrawString8(xftdraw, &xftcolor, font, 20,70 , (XftChar8 *)"Joe Dalton", 10);
return 0;
as you can see, in the XftFontOpenName
if you write a bullshit, like I did, there is no error or something to tell me that I don't have a font called NorthKorea. That make sense since XftFontOpenName
returns the nearest font from the string.
So, how can I check if my font match or not ? how can I use a font like arial? I tried XftFontOpenName(display,0,"arial-50"), I got nothing different.
On my system, I have these folders in my fonts folder :
$ls /usr/share/fonts/
100dpi 75dpi cyrillic encodings misc OTF TTF Type1 util
can I use any font in these folders by the same way ?
if you guys have some nice internet links, it would be a pleasure for me to take a look.
n.b. : there is no xft tag...
update 6/16
I'm still stuck with dat stuff... I don't understand, if I replace
font = XftFontOpenName(display,0,"NorthKorea-50");
font = XftFontOpenName(display,0,"");
it still loading a font...
xlsfonts return a lot of stuff, like dat one :
-monotype-courier new-bold-r-normal--0-0-0-0-m-0-iso8859-10
but passing this as argument to XftFontOpenName
changes nothing; I try to load a font with XftFontOpenXlfd
too, it returns always NULL