Is it possible in Excel VBA to reference a named table?
Hypothetically this could be...
I have seen some mention of tables being a list object but I'm not sure if that is the same thing.
Is it possible in Excel VBA to reference a named table?
Hypothetically this could be...
I have seen some mention of tables being a list object but I'm not sure if that is the same thing.
Converting a range to a table as described in this answer:
Sub CreateTable() ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Range("$B$1:$D$16"), , xlYes).Name = _ "Table1" 'No go in 2003 ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table1").TableStyle = "TableStyleLight2" End Sub
The OP asked, is it possible to reference a table, not how to add a table. So the working equivalent of
would be this statement:
or to select parts (like only the data in the table):
Dim LO As ListObject
Set LO = Sheets("Sheet1").ListObjects("A_Table")
LO.HeaderRowRange.Select ' Select just header row
LO.DataBodyRange.Select ' Select just data cells
LO.TotalsRowRange.Select ' Select just totals row
For the parts, you may want to test for the existence of the header and totals rows before selecting them.
And seriously, this is the only question on referencing tables in VBA in SO? Tables in Excel make so much sense, but they're so hard to work with in VBA!
A "table" in Excel is indeed known as a ListObject.
The "proper" way to reference a table is by getting its ListObject from its Worksheet i.e. SheetObject.ListObjects(ListObjectName)
If you want to reference a table without using the sheet, you can use a hack Application.Range(ListObjectName).ListObject
NOTE: This hack relies on the fact that Excel always creates a named range for the table's DataBodyRange with the same name as the table. However this range name can be changed...though it's not something you'd want to do since the name will reset if you edit the table name! Also you could get a named range with no associated ListObject.
Given Excel's not-very-helpful 1004 error message when you get the name wrong, you may want to create a wrapper...
Public Function GetListObject(ByVal ListObjectName As String, Optional ParentWorksheet As Worksheet = Nothing) As Excel.ListObject
On Error Resume Next
If (Not ParentWorksheet Is Nothing) Then
Set GetListObject = ParentWorksheet.ListObjects(ListObjectName)
Set GetListObject = Application.Range(ListObjectName).ListObject
End If
On Error GoTo 0 'Or your error handler
If (Not GetListObject Is Nothing) Then
ElseIf (Not ParentWorksheet Is Nothing) Then
Call Err.Raise(1004, ThisWorkBook.Name, "ListObject '" & ListObjectName & "' not found on sheet '" & ParentWorksheet.Name & "'!")
Call Err.Raise(1004, ThisWorkBook.Name, "ListObject '" & ListObjectName & "' not found!")
End If
End Function
Also some good ListObject info here.
! But they can definitely be accessed using Application.Range(...)
. –
Dympha ActiveSheet
object. –
Triturable In addition, it's convenient to define variables referring to objects. For instance,
Sub CreateTable()
Dim lo as ListObject
Set lo = ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Range("$B$1:$D$16"), , xlYes)
lo.Name = "Table1"
lo.TableStyle = "TableStyleLight2"
End Sub
You will probably find it advantageous at once.
In addition to the above, you can do this (where "YourListObjectName" is the name of your table):
Dim LO As ListObject
Set LO = ActiveSheet.ListObjects("YourListObjectName")
But I think that only works if you want to reference a list object that's on the active sheet.
I found your question because I wanted to refer to a list object (a table) on one worksheet that a pivot table on a different worksheet refers to. Since list objects are part of the Worksheets collection, you have to know the name of the worksheet that list object is on in order to refer to it. So to get the name of the worksheet that the list object is on, I got the name of the pivot table's source list object (again, a table) and looped through the worksheets and their list objects until I found the worksheet that contained the list object I was looking for.
Public Sub GetListObjectWorksheet()
' Get the name of the worksheet that contains the data
' that is the pivot table's source data.
Dim WB As Workbook
Set WB = ActiveWorkbook
' Create a PivotTable object and set it to be
' the pivot table in the active cell:
Dim PT As PivotTable
Set PT = ActiveCell.PivotTable
Dim LO As ListObject
Dim LOWS As Worksheet
' Loop through the worksheets and each worksheet's list objects
' to find the name of the worksheet that contains the list object
' that the pivot table uses as its source data:
Dim WS As Worksheet
For Each WS In WB.Worksheets
' Loop through the ListObjects in each workshet:
For Each LO In WS.ListObjects
' If the ListObject's name is the name of the pivot table's soure data,
' set the LOWS to be the worksheet that contains the list object:
If LO.Name = PT.SourceData Then
Set LOWS = WB.Worksheets(LO.Parent.Name)
End If
Next LO
Next WS
Debug.Print LOWS.Name
End Sub
Maybe someone knows a more direct way.
Adding a third option. The "shorthand" version of @AndrewD's second option.
Yes, there are no quotes in the bracket reference.
Converting a range to a table as described in this answer:
Sub CreateTable() ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Range("$B$1:$D$16"), , xlYes).Name = _ "Table1" 'No go in 2003 ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table1").TableStyle = "TableStyleLight2" End Sub
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