I installed the "selectize-rails" gem into my rails app, and I'm trying to get it to work. I keep getting this error in my web console:
TypeError: $(...).selectize is not a function
and nothing happens in the browser. Here's the code I have so far, following the "Email Contacts" example from this page: http://brianreavis.github.io/selectize.js/
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
console.log( typeof $.fn.selectize === 'function'); // true
console.log( $('#select-to').length === 1 ); // true
var REGEX_EMAIL = '([a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@' + '(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)';
persist: false,
maxItems: null,
valueField: 'email',
labelField: 'name',
searchField: ['name', 'email'],
options: [
{email: '[email protected]', name: 'Brian Reavis'},
{email: '[email protected]', name: 'Nikola Tesla'},
{email: '[email protected]'}
render: {
item: function(item, escape) {
return '<div>' +
(item.name ? '<span class="name">' + escape(item.name) + '</span>' : '') +
(item.email ? '<span class="email">' + escape(item.email) + '</span>' : '') +
option: function(item, escape) {
var label = item.name || item.email;
var caption = item.name ? item.email : null;
return '<div>' +
'<span class="label">' + escape(label) + '</span>' +
(caption ? '<span class="caption">' + escape(caption) + '</span>' : '') +
createFilter: function(input) {
var match, regex;
// [email protected]
regex = new RegExp('^' + REGEX_EMAIL + '$', 'i');
match = input.match(regex);
if (match) return !this.options.hasOwnProperty(match[0]);
// name <[email protected]>
regex = new RegExp('^([^<]*)\<' + REGEX_EMAIL + '\>$', 'i');
match = input.match(regex);
if (match) return !this.options.hasOwnProperty(match[2]);
return false;
create: function(input) {
if ((new RegExp('^' + REGEX_EMAIL + '$', 'i')).test(input)) {
return {email: input};
var match = input.match(new RegExp('^([^<]*)\<' + REGEX_EMAIL + '\>$', 'i'));
if (match) {
return {
email : match[2],
name : $.trim(match[1])
alert('Invalid email address.');
return false;
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", media: "all", "data-turbolinks-track" => true %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "application", "data-turbolinks-track" => true %>
<%= csrf_meta_tags %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "jquery.endless-scroll" %>
<%= yield(:head) %>
//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require jquery-ui
//= require bootstrap
//= require turbolinks
//= require selectize
//= require_tree .
Selectize.js seems to be included in my application: this is the <head>
from my page source:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href="/assets/selectize.css?body=1" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" />
<link data-turbolinks-track="true" href="/assets/application.css?body=1" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
<link data-turbolinks-track="true" href="/assets/custom.css?body=1" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
<link data-turbolinks-track="true" href="/assets/jquery-ui.css?body=1" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
<link data-turbolinks-track="true" href="/assets/jquery-ui.structure.css?body=1" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
<link data-turbolinks-track="true" href="/assets/jquery-ui.theme.css?body=1" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
<link data-turbolinks-track="true" href="/assets/users.css?body=1" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
<script data-turbolinks-track="true" src="/assets/jquery.js?body=1"></script>
<script data-turbolinks-track="true" src="/assets/jquery_ujs.js?body=1"></script>
<script data-turbolinks-track="true" src="/assets/jquery-ui.js?body=1"></script>
<script data-turbolinks-track="true" src="/assets/bootstrap.js?body=1"></script>
<script data-turbolinks-track="true" src="/assets/turbolinks.js?body=1"></script>
<script data-turbolinks-track="true" src="/assets/sifter.js?body=1"></script>
<script data-turbolinks-track="true" src="/assets/microplugin.js?body=1"></script>
<script data-turbolinks-track="true" src="/assets/selectize.min.js?body=1"></script>
<script data-turbolinks-track="true" src="/assets/jquery.color.js?body=1"></script>
<script data-turbolinks-track="true" src="/assets/jquery.endless-scroll.js?body=1"></script>
<script data-turbolinks-track="true" src="/assets/users.js?body=1"></script>
<script data-turbolinks-track="true" src="/assets/application.js?body=1"></script>
<meta content="authenticity_token" name="csrf-param" />
<meta content="KjspKaF93jfFsjf8jsoaisHSf=" name="csrf-token" />
source 'https://rubygems.org'
ruby '2.0.0'
gem 'rails', '4.0.10'
gem 'bootstrap-sass', '~>'
gem 'sprockets', '~> 2.12'
gem 'chosen-rails'
gem 'bcrypt', '~> 3.1.7'
gem 'therubyracer'
gem 'sass-rails', '4.0.5'
gem 'uglifier', '~> 2.1.1'
gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 4.0.1'
gem 'jquery-rails', '~> 2.3.0'
gem 'turbolinks', '~> 1.1.1'
gem 'jbuilder', '~> 1.0.2'
gem 'libv8', ''
gem 'yaml_db_improved'
gem 'selectize-rails'
group :development, :test do
gem 'sqlite3', '~> 1.3.8'
gem 'rspec-rails', '~> 2.13.1'
group :test do
gem 'selenium-webdriver', '~> 2.35.1'
gem 'capybara', '~> 2.1.0'
group :doc do
gem 'sdoc', '~> 0.3.20', require: false
group :production do
gem 'rails_12factor', '~> 0.0.2'
Website::Application.configure do
config.cache_classes = true
config.eager_load = true
config.consider_all_requests_local = false
config.action_controller.perform_caching = true
config.serve_static_assets = false
config.assets.js_compressor = :uglifier
config.assets.compile = false
config.assets.digest = true
config.assets.version = '1.0'
config.log_level = :info
config.i18n.fallbacks = true
config.active_support.deprecation = :notify
config.log_formatter = ::Logger::Formatter.new
Website::Application.configure do
config.cache_classes = false
config.eager_load = false
config.consider_all_requests_local = true
config.action_controller.perform_caching = false
config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = false
config.active_support.deprecation = :log
config.active_record.migration_error = :page_load
config.assets.debug = true
require File.expand_path('../boot', __FILE__)
require "active_record/railtie"
require "action_controller/railtie"
require "action_mailer/railtie"
require "sprockets/railtie"
module Website
class Application < Rails::Application
config.assets.precompile += %w(*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.gif)
Does anyone who has used Selectize know what I might be missing?
It gets weirder: Error-prone code randomly started working, but then broke again upon refresh
file? The//= require selectize
directive should be after//= require jquery
for it to work properly. When it is working properly, you should be able to seeselectize.js
as one of the loaded files in Sources on the browser. – Messickassets/selectize.js?body=1
is the second-to-last asset included (the last isassets/application.js?body=1
) but I have no idea how to verify if that's correct, or even the correct path. – Pattani$(document).ready()
function around your code so the DOM is loaded when you try to access it. The other one is thatselectize
is not a function, and that's still an issue with the order of the scripts, assuming all the files load properly, which they probably do, otherwise you'd get an 404 error in the console. – Charyl$.fn.selectize
is still undefined in your script tag, it's not loaded, or not loaded in the right place. Did you try wrapping everything in$(document).ready()
by the way ` – CharylGET http://localhost:3000/resources/demos/style.css
. – Pattaniselect-to
in your document (or you have more than one) ? – Charylfalse
is of course$.fn.selectize
not being a function, and that's probably because the plugin isn't loading. Open the console and look in the network tab if any of the scripts are returning 404. It does seem strange as it seems to be in the right place in the head. Check the HTML to make sure there are no more jQuery versions being loaded in the body as well. – Charylselectize
isn't defined, it's not loading, or loading at the wrong time, and it's hard to tell why! – Charyl