I'm just getting started with Node.js, so I'm building very simple applications in order to practice the basics. I was trying to get some Django-like template inheritance working, but I'm at a bit of a loss on how to do it.
I understand that the library "express-handlebars" includes the concept of layouts, and I thought that might be the best way to go about it, but at first glance I don't know if it allows more than one step of inheritance, or using it for replacing different blocks (I saw one general layout where the other templates are inserted in place of the {{{body}}} tag, although there may very well be more tricks to it).
So, my question: how would one implement a multi-layered template inheritance (also, with children inserting content into different separate blocks, instead of a single one)? I'm using Node.js, Express and handlebars, but if it's not possible with the latter two I don't mind trying out other frameworks or templating languages.
A pseudo-coded example of what I mean:
First, we could have a common outer template:
<h1> Main Title </h1>
<h2> {{section name block}} </h2>
<h3> {{subsection name block}} </h3>
{{content block}}
then another one under it (middle template), substituting some of the outer one's blocks (and potentially adding other ones):
{{inheriting from outer template}}
{{section name block}} Section Three {{/block}}
and finally an inner one, which would be the one to call from the javascript code:
{{inheriting from middle template}}
{{subsection name block}} Subsection Two {{/block}}
{{content block}}
<p>This is the content of Section Three, Subsection Two.</p>
The result when processing the inner template would be:
<h1> Main Title </h1>
<h2> Section Three </h2>
<h3> Subsection Two </h3>
<p>This is the content of Section Three, Subsection Two.</p>