When I read an image using opencv imread function, I find its height and width being swapped as what it should be. Like my original image is of dimensions (610 by 406) but on being read using opencv::imread function, its dimensions are 406 by 610. Also, if I rotate my original image before passing it to the function then also, no change. The image read still has original dimensions.
Please see example code and images for clarification: So, below I have provided the input images: one is original and second one is rotated (I rotated it using windows rotate command, by right-clicking and selecting 'rotate right'). Output I get for both the images is same. It seems to me that rotating image did not actually change its shape. I think so because, when I try to put the rotated image here then also, it was showing the un-rotated version of it only (in the preview) so, I had to take a screen-capture of it and then, paste it here.
This is the code:
import cv2
import numpy as np
import sys
import os
image = cv2.imread("C:/img_8075.jpg")
print "image shape: ",image.shape
image2 = cv2.imread("C:/img_8075_Rotated.jpg")
print "image shape: ",image2.shape
The result I get for this is: image shape: (406,610,3) image shape: (406,610,3) for both the images.
I am unable to paste input/output pictures here since, it says you should have '10 reputations' and I have just joined. Any suggestions would be helpful. thanks!
should be your original image width and.rows
should be your original image height. If that isn't the case, maybe your image viewer internally rotates the images before displaying?!? – Sanborne