I have a 10 GB log file in a particular format, I want to process this file line by line and then write the output to other file after applying some transformations. I am using node for this operation.
Though this method is fine but it takes a hell lot of time to do this. I was able to do this within 30-45 mins in JAVA, but in node it is taking more than 160 minutes to do the same job. Following is the code:
Following is the initiation code which reads each line from the input.
var path = '../10GB_input_file.txt';
var output_file = '../output.txt';
function fileopsmain(){
fs.exists(output_file, function(exists){
if(exists) {
fs.unlink(output_file, function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('successfully deleted ' + output_file);
new lazy(fs.createReadStream(path, {bufferSize: 128 * 4096}))
var line_arr = line.toString().split(';');
perform_line_ops(line_arr, line_arr[6], line_arr[7], line_arr[10]);
This is the method that performs some operation over that line and passes the input to write method to write it into the output file.
function perform_line_ops(line_arr, range_start, range_end, daynums){
var _new_lines = '';
for(var i=0; i<days; i++){
//perform some operation to modify line pass it to print
Following method is used to write data into a new file.
function write_line_ops(line) {
if(line != null && line != ''){
fs.appendFileSync(output_file, line);
I want to bring this time down to 15-20 mins. Is it possible to do so.
Also for the record I'm trying this on a intel i7 processor with 8 GB of RAM.
module is reading the entire file into memory before processing it rather than streaming it line by line? You might be interesting in the node-byline module. – Upgradelazy
into the equation so you know which sub-system is causing you the issue. – Upgradelazy
and line processing) from the equation. Run a simple test app on your large file to just read it chunk by chunk using streams. I think I've already described this multiple times. You have to do a few tests to see what will work for you. – Upgrade