Get column name from column number?
Asked Answered



I have several named columns on a sheet. I want to send the column number to a function that will return the column name.

For example, if column 1 is named "apple", I want to pass the column number 1 to a function that returns the column name "apple". My attempt:

Function getColName(colNumber As Integer) As String
'return column name when passed column number

    getColName = Cells(1, colNumber).Column.Name

End Function

How can I get this code to work?

Exarchate answered 11/2, 2016 at 21:56 Comment(7)
Try getColName = Cells(1, colNumber).ValueEquipotential
Columns in excel do not have names. You can name a range, or as @Equipotential is saying find the value of the first cell in which usually is a label that describes the values in the column.Bramlett
@Scott Craner, you misunderstand me. I have named the entire column 1 (or column A if you prefer) "apple" (or [apple] if you prefer). I want to send the column number (1 in this case) to a function that returns the name of the column.Exarchate
Here is the answer to my question. Sorry for repeating a previous questionExarchate
getColName = Cells(1, colNumber).EntireColumn.Name.NameOliveolivegreen
@Tim Williams, thank you, sir.Exarchate
Does this answer your question? How do you get a Range to return its Name?Excerpt

Try this one :

set cell_address = Worksheet("Sheet1").Cells(1,1)
MsgBox cell_address.address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute=False) 

'returns A1 You can use it in Range("A1") as well and get more functionality.

**Note**: RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute=False are optional 

for more information:

for non-vba:

Shem answered 31/1, 2018 at 16:45 Comment(1)
That doesn't answer the question. Your answer corresponds to that question. The current question is answered and solved there.Excerpt
Sub GetColumnNameFromRange()
    Dim Colname As String
    For Each cell In Selection.Cells
        If cell.EntireColumn.Hidden = False Then
            Colname = Mid(cell.Address, 2, Len(cell.Address) - (Len(cell.Row) + 2))
            MsgBox Colname
        End If
    Next cell
End Sub
Psychopathist answered 4/9, 2021 at 10:38 Comment(1)
Hi Pankaj! Thank you for contributing an answer to Stackoverflow. Kindly take note that you can improve upon the readability of your answer by inserting the code in a code-block. Kindly see: meta.#251861Ticker
ColumnNumber = i 'where i need to be a integer number > 0 and <= 16,384
ColumnName = cells(1,i).Address(False, False)

The parameters inside Adress() are related if the rows and columns references are going to be absolute or relatives. In this case above they'll be relatives.

And it's over. Simple like that.

Igorot answered 14/1, 2022 at 13:40 Comment(0)
Dim ColAdr as String, ColNo as Long, ColName as String
Function ColName (ColNo as Long)
ColAdr = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, ColNo).Address(RowAbsolute:=True, ColumnAbsolute:=False)
ColName = Left(ColAdr, InStr(1, ColAdr, "$") - 1)
End function
Tobi answered 5/10, 2021 at 23:0 Comment(1)
Your answer could be improved with additional supporting information. Please edit to add further details, such as citations or documentation, so that others can confirm that your answer is correct. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.Ceresin


ColumnNo = Split(ActiveCell.Offset(1, i + 20).Address, "$")(1) 'GET COLUMN NAME shifts the column index 20 columns to the right.

Balbo answered 5/8, 2024 at 3:4 Comment(1)
The question is about getting the Name of the column, not the letter ... and why add 20 columns?Baltic

If you need the column letter(s) from the index, here's a function I've written for that:

Function colNameOf(ByVal colindex As Long) As String
    Dim overAlphabetic, charId As Long
    charId = colindex Mod 26
    colindex = colindex - charId
    overAlphabetic = colindex / 26
    If charId = 0 Then
        charId = 26
        overAlphabetic = overAlphabetic - 1
    End If
    Dim overAlphStr As String
    overAlphStr = ""
    If overAlphabetic > 0 Then
        overAlphStr = colNameOf(overAlphabetic)
    End If
    Dim lastChar
    lastChar = ChrW(charId + 64)
    colNameOf = overAlphStr & lastChar
End Function

Note, that there is yet no error handling for values smaller than 1. In that case the function just returns any nonsense. DIY...

Boisleduc answered 13/8, 2020 at 10:10 Comment(1)
This is not an answer to the questionEldwon

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