I'm coding a website with ASP.NET Core 6. It's originally a tutorial from YouTube with .NET Core 3. So I'm facing migration issues. Here, I have a DbInitializer file which contains all my data (i.e.: my database).
using DrinkAndGo.Data.Models;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace DrinkAndGo.Data
public class DbInitializer
public static void Seed(IApplicationBuilder applicationBuilder)
AppDbContext context =
if (!context.Categories.Any())
context.Categories.AddRange(Categories.Select(c => c.Value));
if (!context.Drinks.Any())
new Drink
Name = "Beer",
Price = 7.95M,
Category = Categories["Alcoholic"],
ImageUrl = "http://imgh.us/beerL_2.jpg",
InStock = true,
IsPreferredDrink = true,
ImageThumbnailUrl = "http://imgh.us/beerS_1.jpeg"
new Drink
Name = "Rum & Coke",
Price = 12.95M,
Category = Categories["Alcoholic"],
ImageUrl = "http://imgh.us/rumCokeL.jpg",
InStock = true,
IsPreferredDrink = false,
ImageThumbnailUrl = "http://imgh.us/rumAndCokeS.jpg"
new Drink
Name = "Tequila ",
Price = 12.95M,
Category = Categories["Alcoholic"],
ImageUrl = "http://imgh.us/tequilaL.jpg",
InStock = true,
IsPreferredDrink = false,
ImageThumbnailUrl = "http://imgh.us/tequilaS.jpg"
new Drink
Name = "Wine ",
Price = 16.75M,
Category = Categories["Alcoholic"],
ImageUrl = "http://imgh.us/wineL.jpg",
InStock = true,
IsPreferredDrink = false,
ImageThumbnailUrl = "http://imgh.us/wineS.jpg"
new Drink
Name = "Margarita",
Price = 17.95M,
ImageUrl = "http://imgh.us/margaritaL.jpg",
InStock = true,
IsPreferredDrink = false,
ImageThumbnailUrl = "http://imgh.us/margaritaS.jpg"
new Drink
Name = "Whiskey with Ice",
Price = 15.95M,
Category = Categories["Alcoholic"],
ImageUrl = "http://imgh.us/whiskyIceL.jpg",
InStock = false,
IsPreferredDrink = false,
ImageThumbnailUrl = "http://imgh.us/whiskeyS.jpg"
new Drink
Name = "Jägermeister",
Price = 15.95M,
Category = Categories["Alcoholic"],
ImageUrl = "http://imgh.us/jagermeisterL.jpg",
InStock = false,
IsPreferredDrink = false,
ImageThumbnailUrl = "http://imgh.us/jagermeisterS.jpg"
new Drink
Name = "Champagne",
Price = 15.95M,
Category = Categories["Alcoholic"],
ImageUrl = "http://imgh.us/champagneL.jpg",
InStock = false,
IsPreferredDrink = false,
ImageThumbnailUrl = "http://imgh.us/champagneS.jpg"
new Drink
Name = "Piña colada ",
Price = 15.95M,
Category = Categories["Alcoholic"],
ImageUrl = "http://imgh.us/pinaColadaL.jpg",
InStock = false,
IsPreferredDrink = false,
ImageThumbnailUrl = "http://imgh.us/pinaColadaS.jpg"
new Drink
Name = "White Russian",
Price = 15.95M,
Category = Categories["Alcoholic"],
ImageUrl = "http://imgh.us/whiteRussianL.jpg",
InStock = false,
IsPreferredDrink = false,
ImageThumbnailUrl = "http://imgh.us/whiteRussianS.jpg"
new Drink
Name = "Long Island Iced Tea",
Price = 15.95M,
Category = Categories["Alcoholic"],
ImageUrl = "http://imgh.us/longTeaL.jpg",
InStock = false,
IsPreferredDrink = false,
ImageThumbnailUrl = "http://imgh.us/islandTeaS.jpg"
new Drink
Name = "Vodka",
Price = 15.95M,
Category = Categories["Alcoholic"],
ImageUrl = "http://imgh.us/vodkaL.jpg",
InStock = false,
IsPreferredDrink = false,
ImageThumbnailUrl = "http://imgh.us/vodkaS.jpg"
new Drink
Name = "Gin and tonic",
Price = 15.95M,
Category = Categories["Alcoholic"],
ImageUrl = "http://imgh.us/ginTonicL.jpg",
InStock = false,
IsPreferredDrink = false,
ImageThumbnailUrl = "http://imgh.us/ginTonicS.jpg"
new Drink
Name = "Cosmopolitan",
Price = 15.95M,
Category = Categories["Alcoholic"],
ImageUrl = "http://imgh.us/cosmopolitanL.jpg",
InStock = false,
IsPreferredDrink = false,
ImageThumbnailUrl = "http://imgh.us/cosmopolitanS.jpg"
new Drink
Name = "Tea ",
Price = 12.95M,
Category = Categories["Non-alcoholic"],
ImageUrl = "http://imgh.us/teaL.jpg",
InStock = true,
IsPreferredDrink = true,
ImageThumbnailUrl = "http://imgh.us/teaS.jpg"
new Drink
Name = "Water ",
Price = 12.95M,
Category = Categories["Non-alcoholic"],
ImageUrl = "http://imgh.us/waterL.jpg",
InStock = true,
IsPreferredDrink = false,
ImageThumbnailUrl = "http://imgh.us/waterS_1.jpg"
new Drink
Name = "Coffee ",
Price = 12.95M,
Category = Categories["Non-alcoholic"],
ImageUrl = "http://imgh.us/coffeeL.jpg",
InStock = true,
IsPreferredDrink = true,
ImageThumbnailUrl = "http://imgh.us/coffeS.jpg"
new Drink
Name = "Kvass",
Price = 12.95M,
Category = Categories["Non-alcoholic"],
ImageUrl = "http://imgh.us/kvassL.jpg",
InStock = true,
IsPreferredDrink = false,
ImageThumbnailUrl = "http://imgh.us/kvassS.jpg"
new Drink
Name = "Juice ",
Price = 12.95M,
Category = Categories["Non-alcoholic"],
ImageUrl = "http://imgh.us/juiceL.jpg",
InStock = true,
IsPreferredDrink = false,
ImageThumbnailUrl = "http://imgh.us/juiceS.jpg"
private static Dictionary<string, Category> categories;
public static Dictionary<string, Category> Categories
if (categories == null)
var genresList = new Category[]
new Category { CategoryName = "Alcoholic", Description="All alcoholic drinks" },
new Category { CategoryName = "Non-alcoholic", Description="All non-alcoholic drinks" }
categories = new Dictionary<string, Category>();
foreach (Category genre in genresList)
categories.Add(genre.CategoryName, genre);
return categories;
Then my Program.cs file:
using DrinkAndGo.Data;
using DrinkAndGo.Data.Interfaces;
using DrinkAndGo.Data.Mocks;
using DrinkAndGo.Data.Repositories;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using static System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
builder.Host.ConfigureServices(services =>
services.AddTransient<IDrinkRepository, DrinkRepository>();
services.AddTransient<ICategoryRepository, CategoryRepository>();
builder.Services.AddDbContext<AppDbContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(
var app = builder.Build();
if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())
name: "default",
pattern: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}"
When I run the app, with IIS Express, Visual Studio throws the following exception:
System.InvalidOperationException : 'Cannot resolve scoped service 'DrinkAndGo.Data.AppDbContext' from root provider.'
Could someone explain me the problem and how to solve it?