My Delphi project has a TAdoQuery accesssing data on an MS Sql Server 2014 server, and TClientDataSet that receives the AdoQuery data via a TDataSetProvider. This is created from a Project Template I set up.
Normally, I've found this set-up to work faultlessly, but with this particular project I'm having a problem: ApplyUpdates() fails silently and the Sql Server data is not updated. In my stripped down debugging project, the only code I have, apart from a button-click handler which calls it, is:
procedure TForm1.ApplyUpdates;
Errors : Integer;
Errors := ClientDataSet1.ApplyUpdates(0);
Caption := IntToStr(Errors) + '/' + IntToStr(ClientDataSet1.ChangeCount);
After this executes, the form's caption should be 0/0
of course but what it actually says is 0/1
. So on the face of it, no errors occurred but the CDSs ChangeCount
hasn't been reset to zero as it should be. My q is, how can ApplyUpdates return no errors but the server dataset doesn't get updated.
Fwiw, I added the ChangeCount display as part of my effort to debug the problem. But I'm afraid I haven't been able to follow what's supposed to be going on in the details of the "conversation" between the DataSetProvider and its DataSet to apply the updates on the server.