I am having an issue trying to mock a powershell 5 class method, when executing the test, I get the error " CommandNotFoundException: Could not find Command FunctionToMock". I am trying to unit test the "OutputToOverwrite" method by mocking "FunctionToMock". I think I would have to mock ChocoClass itself first, but I am not sure how to do it. Thanks.
Class ChocoClass
[string] OutputToOverwrite()
return $this.FunctionToMock()
[string] FunctionToMock()
return "This text will be replaced"
Describe "Testing mocking"{
it "Mock test"{
Mock FunctionToMock -MockWith {return "mystring"}
$package = New-Object ChocoClass
$expected = $package.OutputToOverwrite()
$expected | should BeExactly "mystring"