Given a sorted array of integers with possibly duplicates, how do you find an index i
such that A[i]=i
This is a problem in one of the programming books I read (Cracking the code interview). The solution is outlined as follows:
public static int magicFast(int[] array, int start, int end) {
if (end < start || start < 0 || end >= array.length) {
return -1;
int midlndex = (start + end) / 2;
int midValue = array[midlndex];
if (midValue == midlndex) {
return midlndex;
/* Search left */
int leftlndex = Math.min(midlndex - 1, midValue);
int left = magicFast(array, start, leftlndex);
if (left >= 0) {
return left;
/* Search right */
int rightlndex = Math.max(midlndex + i, midValue);
int right = magicFast(array, rightlndex, end);
return right;
The author does not comment on the time complexity. However, this seems to be O(n) solution since we need to look at both sides of the 'mid' point unlike the problem where array elements are distinct. The recurrence relation being T(n) = 2T(n/2) + c (c - constant time to check if the middle element is the answer)
How is this better than a simple linear scan then? This seems overly complicated just to achieve linear time efficiency. Am I missing something here?
< 0, then the algorithms goes on to searching right. So, worst case, it searches both sides of the array unlike a typical binary search which assures only looking at one half of the array, right? – Vaughan