I am using angular 1.6 for my project and angular-ui-routing for routing with PugJs for HTML templates. I am trying to implement Lazyload in my application, but somehow its not working may be due to jade. code :
var app = angular.module('myApp',['ui.router','oc.lazyLoad']);
app.config(['$ocLazyLoadProvider', function($ocLazyLoadProvider
debug: true,
modules: [{
name: 'js',
files: ['js/*']
.state("exampleState", {
url: '/example',
templateUrl: '/example',
resolve: {
deps: ['$ocLazyLoad', function($ocLazyLoad) {
return $ocLazyLoad.load({
files: ['/js/exampleCtrl.js']
Controller :
console.log('controller loaded');
and on the frontend I am using node to convert these jade into HTML, so when 'templateUrl' is accessed by routing services it would be redirected to this code:
app.get('/example', function(req, res) {
this loads the example.jade in view. I am getting this in console
[$controller:ctrlreg] The controller with the name 'exampleCtrl' is not registered.
Even after controller file is loaded in DOM and also view is not rendering. any help regarding issue welcomed. Thank you