What S2Region and how should I use to get all s2 cells at certain parent level(let say 9) covered by the circle drawn from given lat, long and radius. Below is an example which use python s2 library for getting all cells under a rectangle.
region_rect = S2LatLngRect(
S2LatLng.FromDegrees(-51.264871, -30.241701),
S2LatLng.FromDegrees(-51.04618, -30.000003))
coverer = S2RegionCoverer()
covering = coverer.GetCovering(region_rect)
source of example http://blog.christianperone.com/2015/08/googles-s2-geometry-on-the-sphere-cells-and-hilbert-curve/
I am looking for something like
region_circle = S2latLangCircle(lat,lang,radius)
I find answer of this question for google s2 library implemented in c++ Using google s2 library - find all s2 cells of a certain level within the circle, given lat/lng and radius in miles/km but I need this in python.