I have been using gensim's libraries to train a doc2Vec model. After experimenting with different datasets for training, I am fairly confused about what should be an ideal training data size for doc2Vec model?
I will be sharing my understanding here. Please feel free to correct me/suggest changes-
- Training on a general purpose dataset- If I want to use a model trained on a general purpose dataset, in a specific use case, I need to train on a lot of data.
- Training on the context related dataset- If I want to train it on the data having the same context as my use case, usually the training data size can have a smaller size.
But what are the number of words used for training, in both these cases?
On a general note, we stop training a ML model, when the error graph reaches an "elbow point", where further training won't help significantly in decreasing error. Has any study being done in this direction- where doc2Vec model's training is stopped after reaching an elbow ?