I'm trying to display a .mbtiles layer (created by Tippecanoe) in a Leaflet map. The tiles are loaded with Leaflet.TileLayer.MBTiles. So far nothing is visible on the map, although the MBTiles load fine and are identifiable in the browser's inspector console. I'm guessing that because I haven't externally styled the MBTiles with MapBox Studio (or similar), they don't have any style assigned (color, size, etc...).
Is it possible to style .mbtiles with CSS, JS, or otherwise in the html? I've gleaned that usually .mbtiles have an associated style.json file -- is it possible to write my own and call that in the html or javascript for a Leaflet implementation?
Here's the relevant part of my code:
var map = L.map('map', {layers: [ESRIOceanBaseMap]}).setView([33.985, -120.25], 12);
var mb = L.tileLayer.mbTiles('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/evantdailey/map_testing/master/2016668FA.mbtiles', {
type: 'circle',
minZoom: 0,
And I was hoping to do something like this in CSS (doesn't seem to work):
#mb {
color: black
If none of the above is possible, is there any other way to style MBTiles for Leaflet without having to go through MapBox Studio and assign styles for every layer? The goal is to programmatically create numerous layers (each containing thousands of points), so individually styling and exporting each layer would not be ideal.