I have created a repository level github page in the root directory of my project. This works fine, and after a small build interval, the index.html page is served as expected at https://erikor.github.io/myrepo/
Now I am trying to use the dyutibarma/monochrome theme.
Per this post, I, somewhat naively, thought that all I needed to do was to put this in my _config.yml:
remote_theme: dyutibarma/monochrome
But the resulting page clearly expects some theme related resources to be in my repo, not the remote theme repo. For example:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/myrepo/css/main.css">
And thus, my page is not styled properly.
Is there a way to point github pages to the remote theme resources, or is the only way to accomplish this to fork the theme, build it, and then add my content? I was hoping to avoid that every time I want to switch themes if possible, particularly after reading the above referenced post about remote themes.
Thanks in advance, Eric
to work either with a different theme that I'm trying to use. Nice to hear that I'm not the only one that wasn't able to get this to work :) – Examinant