I have to implement the functionality of exporting list query into a CSV file. Here is how I implement extending @Sina method.
my graphql query for retriving list of users (with limit pagination) is
query userCsv{
results(limit: 50, offset: 50){
Make CustomGraphQLView view by inheriting from GraphQLView and overide dispatch function to see if query has a csv also make sure you update graphql url pointing to this custom GraphQLView.
class CustomGraphQLView(GraphQLView):
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
query_data = super().parse_body(request)
operation_name = query_data["operationName"]
operation_name = None
response = super().dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
csv_made = False
data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
csv_query = data['data'][f"{operation_name}"]['csv']
csv_query = True
csv_query = None
if csv_query:
csv_path = f"{settings.MEDIA_ROOT}/csv_{datetime.now()}.csv"
results = data['data'][f"{operation_name}"]['results']
# header = results[0].keys()
results = json_normalize(results)
results.to_csv(csv_path, index=False)
data['data'][f"{operation_name}"]['csv'] = csv_path
csv_made = True
except GraphQLError as e:
raise e
except Exception:
if csv_made:
return HttpResponse(
status=200, content=json.dumps(data), content_type="application/json"
return response
Operation name is the query name by which you are calling. In previous example given it is userCsv and it is required because the final result as a response came with this key. Response obtained is django http response object. using above operation name we check if csv is present in the query if not present return response as it is but if csv is present then extract query results and make a csv file and store it and attach its path in response.
Here is the graphql schema for the query
class UserListCsvType(DjangoListObjectType):
csv = graphene.String()
class Meta:
model = User
pagination = LimitOffsetGraphqlPagination(default_limit=25, ordering="-id")
class DjangoListObjectFieldUserCsv(DjangoListObjectField):
def list_resolver(self, manager, filterset_class, filtering_args, root, info, **kwargs):
return super().list_resolver(manager, filterset_class, filtering_args, root, info, **kwargs)
class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
user_csv = DjangoListObjectFieldUserCsv(UserListCsvType)
Here is the sample response
"data": {
"userCsv": {
"csv": "/home/shishir/Desktop/sample-project/media/csv_2021-11-22 15:01:11.197428.csv",
"totalCount": 101,
"results": [
"id": "51",
"username": "kathryn",
"email": "[email protected]",
"userType": "GUEST"
"id": "50",
"username": "bridget",
"email": "[email protected]",
"userType": "GUEST"
"id": "49",
"username": "april",
"email": "[email protected]",
"userType": "GUEST"
"id": "48",
"username": "antonio",
"email": "[email protected]",
"userType": "PARTNER"
PS: Data generated above are from faker library and I'm using graphene-django-extras and json_normalize is from pandas. CSV file can be download from the path obtained in response.