Changing date format, month names and week names during runtime is perfectly possible with AngularJS 1.5.9 and moment 2.17.1.
First configure the initial language. (In this example the configuration of angular-translate/$translateProvider is optional.)
configureLocalization.$inject = ['$translateProvider', '$mdDateLocaleProvider', 'localdb', '__config'];
function configureLocalization($translateProvider, $mdDateLocaleProvider, localdb, __config) {
// Configure angular-translate
prefix: 'locale/',
suffix: '.json'
// get the language from local storage using a helper
var language = localdb.get('language');
if (!language || language === 'undefined') {
localdb.set('language', (language =;
// Set the preferredLanguage in angular-translate
// Change moment's locale so the 'L'-format is adjusted.
// For example the 'L'-format is DD.MM.YYYY for German
// Set month and week names for the general $mdDateLocale service
var localeData = moment.localeData();
$mdDateLocaleProvider.months = localeData._months;
$mdDateLocaleProvider.shortMonths = moment.monthsShort();
$mdDateLocaleProvider.days = localeData._weekdays;
$mdDateLocaleProvider.shortDays = localeData._weekdaysMin;
// Optionaly let the week start on the day as defined by moment's locale data
$mdDateLocaleProvider.firstDayOfWeek = localeData._week.dow;
// Format and parse dates based on moment's 'L'-format
// 'L'-format may later be changed
$mdDateLocaleProvider.parseDate = function(dateString) {
var m = moment(dateString, 'L', true);
return m.isValid() ? m.toDate() : new Date(NaN);
$mdDateLocaleProvider.formatDate = function(date) {
var m = moment(date);
return m.isValid() ? m.format('L') : '';
Later you may have some base controller that watches a language variable which is changed when the user selects another language.
angular.module('app').controller('BaseCtrl', Base);
Base.$inject = ['$scope', '$translate', 'localdb', '$mdDateLocale'];
function Base($scope, $translate, localdb, $mdDateLocale) {
var vm = this;
vm.language = $translate.use();
$scope.$watch('BaseCtrl.language', function(newValue, oldValue) {
// Set the new language in local storage
localdb.set('language', newValue);
// Change moment's locale so the 'L'-format is adjusted.
// For example the 'L'-format is DD-MM-YYYY for Dutch
// Set month and week names for the general $mdDateLocale service
var localeDate = moment.localeData();
$mdDateLocale.months = localeDate._months;
$mdDateLocale.shortMonths = moment.monthsShort();
$mdDateLocale.days = localeDate._weekdays;
$mdDateLocale.shortDays = localeDate._weekdaysMin;
// Optionaly let the week start on the day as defined by moment's locale data
$mdDateLocale.firstDayOfWeek = localeData._week.dow;
Notice how we don't need to change the $mdDateLocale.formatDate
and $mdDateLocale.parseDate
methods as they are already configured to use the 'L'-format that is changed by calling moment.locale(newValue)
See the documentation for $mdDateLocaleProvider for more locale customization:$mdDateLocaleProvider
Bonus: This is how the language selector may look like:
<md-select ng-model="BaseCtrl.language" class="md-no-underline">
ng-repeat="language in ['en', 'de', 'fr', 'nl']"
ng-value ="language"
class ="flag-icon flag-icon-{{language ==='en' ? 'gb' : language}}"