My recommendation is: Don't.
- The ShadyCSS polyfill doesn't support external style sheets.
- External styles can cause a flash-of-unstyled-content (FOUC) while they load.
- The URL in the href attribute is relative to the main document. This is okay if you're building an app and your asset URLs are well-known, but avoid using external style sheets when building a reusable element.
External css files should only be loaded in your html file (index.html most probably).
The css should be bundled with your element.
An alternative for reusabilty would be to export shared styles and import them in your styles properties as follows:
static styles: CSSResult[] = [
// language=CSS
And import from a shared file.
export const ShadowStyles = css`
export const AnimatedStyles = css`
That way, they are also loaded only once.
and why that's not recommended – Gerardogeratology