I'm pretty intrigued by Gambit Scheme, in particular by its wide range of supported platforms, and its ability to put C code right in your Scheme source when needed. That said, it is a Scheme, which has fewer "batteries included" as compared to Common Lisp. Some people like coding lots of things from scratch, (a.k.a. vigorous yak-shaving) but not me!
This brings me to my two questions, geared to people who have used both Gambit and some flavor of Common Lisp:
1) Which effectively has better access to libraries? Scheme has fewer libraries than Common Lisp. However, Gambit Scheme has smoother access to C/C++ code & libraries, which far outnumber Common Lisp's libraries. In your opinion, does the smoothness of Gambit's FFI outweigh its lack of native libraries?
2) How do Scheme's object systems (e.g. TinyCLOS, Meroon) compare to Common Lisp's CLOS? If you found them lacking, what feature(s) did you miss most? Finally, how important is an object system in Lisp/Scheme in the first place? I have heard of entire lisp-based companies (e.g. ITA Software) forgoing CLOS altogether. Are objects really that optional in Lisp/Scheme? I do fear that if Gambit has no good object system, I may miss them (my programming background is purely object-oriented).
Thanks for helping an aspiring convert from C++/Python,
-- Matt
PS: Someone with more than 1500 rep, could you please create a "gambit" tag? :) Thanks Jonas!