So the Play2.0 Enumeratee page shows an example of using a the &>
or through
method to change an Enumerator[String]
into an Enumerator[Int]
val toInt: Enumeratee[String,Int] =[String]{ s => s.toInt }
val ints: Enumerator[Int] = strings &> toInt
There is also an Enumeratee.grouped
enumeratee to create an enumerator of chunks from individual elements. That seemed to work fine.
But what I see is that the usual input would be in the form of Array[Byte]
(which is returned by Enumerator.fromFile
and Enumerator.fromStream
). With that in mind I would like to take those Array[Byte]
inputs and turns them into an Enumerator[String]
, for instance where each string is a line (terminated by a '\n'
). The boundaries for the lines and the Array[Byte]
elements won't usually match. How do I write an enumerator that can convert the chunked arrays into chunked strings?
The purpose is to chunk those lines back to the browser as each Array[Byte]
becomes available, and keep the leftover bytes that were not part of a complete line until the next input chunk comes along.
Ideally I'd love to have a method that given an iter: Iteratee[Array[Byte], T]
and an Enumerator[Array[Byte]]
will give me back an Enumerator[T]
, where my T elements were parsed by iter
Additional Info: I had a bit of time to clean up my code and here is a specific example of what I'm trying to do. I have the following iteratees that detect the next line:
import play.api.libs.iteratee._
type AB = Array[Byte]
def takeWhile(pred: Byte => Boolean): Iteratee[AB, AB] = {
def step(e: Input[AB], acc: AB): Iteratee[AB, AB] = e match {
case Input.EOF => Done(acc, Input.EOF)
case Input.Empty => Cont(step(_, acc))
case Input.El(arr) =>
val (taking, rest) = arr.span(pred)
if (rest.length > 0) Done(acc ++ taking, Input.El(rest))
else Cont(step(_, acc ++ taking))
Cont(step(_, Array()))
val line = for {
bytes <- takeWhile(b => !(b == '\n' || b == '\r'))
_ <- takeWhile(b => b == '\n' || b == '\r')
} yield bytes
And what I'd like to do is something like that: &> chunkBy(line)).as("text/plain")