I'm pulling my hair out over this one. I'm trying to get the simplest of examples working with zeromq and gevent. I changed this script to use PUB/SUB sockets and when I run it the 'server' socket loops forever. If I uncomment the gevent.sleep(0.1) line then it works as expected and yields to the other green thread, which in this case is the client.
The problem is, why should I have to manually add a sleep call? I thought when I import the zmq.green version of zmq that the send and receive calls are non blocking and underneath do the task switching.
In other words, why should I have to add the gevent.sleep() call to get this example working? In Jeff Lindsey's original example, he's doing REQ/REP sockets and he doesn't need to add sleep calls...but when I changed this to PUB/SUB I need it there for this to yield to the client for processing.
#Notes: Code taken from slide: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=zeromq%20gevent&source=web&cd=27&ved=0CFsQFjAGOBQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.github.com%2Fstrangeloop%2F2011-slides%2Fmaster%2FLindsay-DistributedGeventZmq.pdf&ei=JoDNUO6OIePQiwK8noHQBg&usg=AFQjCNFa5g9ZliRVoN_yVH7aizU_fDMtfw&bvm=bv.1355325884,d.cGE
#Jeff Lindsey talk on gevent and zeromq
import gevent
from gevent import spawn
import zmq.green as zmq
context = zmq.Context()
def serve():
print 'server online'
socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB)
while True:
print 'send'
def client():
print 'client online'
socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, '')
while True:
print 'recv'
message = socket.recv()
cl = spawn(client)
server = spawn(serve)
print 'joinall'
gevent.joinall([cl, server])
print 'end'