Ok, if you want to handle it with Javascript, use Pavel's method, otherwise use the following to do it via the controller. You must create a wrapper class for whatever you wish to track. I'm not sure how it works, but somehow if you name a boolean variable "selected" in your wrapper class, it is mapped to the checkbox. Below is the code:
So in your Visual force page, do:
<apex:dataTable value="{!Foos}" var="f">
<apex:column >
<apex:outputLabel value="{!f.foo.name}" /> <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!f.selected}" />
<apex:commandButton action="{!getPage2}" value="go"/>
In your Controller, do the following:
1) Make a Wrapper class with the boolean "selected", which somehow maps to the inputCheckbox selected:
public class wFoo {
public Foo__c foo {get; set}
public boolean selected {get; set;}
public wFoo(Foo__c foo) {
this.foo = foo;
selected = false; //If you want all checkboxes initially selected, set this to true
2) declare the list variables
public List<wFoo> foos {get; set;}
public List<Foo__c> selectedFoos {get; set;}
3) Define the accessor for the List
public List<wFoo> getFoos() {
if (foos == null) {
foos = new List<wFoo>();
for (Foo__c foo : [select id, name from Foo__c]) {
foos.add(new wFoo(foo));
return foos;
4) Define the method to process the selected checkboxes and place them in a List for use on another page
public void processSelectedFoos() {
selectedFoos = new List<Foo__c>();
for (wFoo foo : getFoos) {
if (foo.selected = true) {
selectedFoos.add(foo.foo); // This adds the wrapper wFoo's real Foo__c
5) Define the method to return the PageReference to the next page when the submit button is clicked
public PageReference getPage2() {
return Page.Page2;