I have daily stock price data from yahoo finance in a dataframe called price_data
I would like to add a column to this which provides the fitted value from a time series trend of the Adj Close
Here is the structure of the data I am using:
In [41]: type(price_data)
Out[41]: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
In [42]: list(price_data.columns.values)
Out[42]: ['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume', 'Adj Close']
In [45]: type(price_data.index)
Out[45]: pandas.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex
What is the neatest way of achieving this in the Python language?
As an aside, the following achieved this in the R language
all_time_fitted <- function(data)
all_time_model <- lm(Adj.Close ~ Date, data=data)
fitted_value <- predict(all_time_model)
Here is some sample data:
In [3]: price_data
Open High Low Close Volume Adj Close
2005-09-27 21.05 21.40 19.10 19.30 961200 19.16418
2005-09-28 19.30 20.53 19.20 20.50 5747900 20.35573
2005-09-29 20.40 20.58 20.10 20.21 1078200 20.06777
2005-09-30 20.26 21.05 20.18 21.01 3123300 20.86214
2005-10-03 20.90 21.75 20.90 21.50 1057900 21.34869
2005-10-04 21.44 22.50 21.44 22.16 1768800 22.00405
2005-10-05 22.10 22.31 21.75 22.20 904300 22.04377