After I've run an update in my Eclipse Luna SR2 (4.4.2) I got m2e installed. For a project where I use maven-war-plugin
now I get the following errors in the problems view:
Full text:
Conflicting lifecycle mapping (plugin execution "org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin:2.3:war (execution: war-standalone, phase: package)"). To enable full functionality, remove the conflicting mapping and run Maven->Update Project Configuration.
Conflicting lifecycle mapping (plugin execution "org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin:2.3:war (execution: war-standalone, phase: package)"). To enable full functionality, remove the conflicting mapping and run Maven->Update Project Configuration.
The plugin configuration didn't cause a problem with the previous version of m2e. It looks ok in the pom, nothing unusual:
The lifecycle-mapping for maven-war-plugin
isn't configured in the pom. I checked if it is in parent poms but couldn't find anything. None is in the workspace lifecycle mappings metadata as well.
Then I noticed m2e-wtp plugin (where the mapping seems to come from) was still an old version. I updated it to but it didn't resolve the problem.
Any idea how to track down where is the conflicting mapping or maybe how to resolve the issue properly?