I've installed eslint-config-airbnb that is supposed to pre configure ESLINT for React:
Our default export contains all of our ESLint rules, including ECMAScript 6+ and React. It requires eslint, eslint-plugin-import, eslint-plugin-react, and eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y.
My .eslintrc
extending its configuration:
{ "extends": "eslint-config-airbnb",
"env": {
"browser": true,
"node": true,
"mocha": true
"rules": {
"new-cap": [2, { "capIsNewExceptions": ["List", "Map", "Set"] }],
"react/no-multi-comp": 0,
"import/default": 0,
"import/no-duplicates": 0,
"import/named": 0,
"import/namespace": 0,
"import/no-unresolved": 0,
"import/no-named-as-default": 2,
"comma-dangle": 0, // not sure why airbnb turned this on. gross!
"indent": [2, 2, {"SwitchCase": 1}],
"no-console": 0,
"no-alert": 0,
"linebreak-style": 0
"plugins": [
"react", "import"
"settings": {
"import/parser": "babel-eslint",
"import/resolve": {
"moduleDirectory": ["node_modules", "src"]
"globals": {
"__DEVELOPMENT__": true,
"__CLIENT__": true,
"__SERVER__": true,
"__DISABLE_SSR__": true,
"__DEVTOOLS__": true,
"socket": true,
"webpackIsomorphicTools": true
Unfortunatelly I'm getting the following error when linting a .js file with React JSX code inside it:
error JSX not allowed in files with extension '.js' react/jsx-filename-extension
Wasn't eslint-config-airbnb configured react to support JSX already, as stated ?
What should be done to remove that error ?