I am trying to use networkD3
and shiny to visualize some data. I would like to have an action happen when a node in a graph is clicked. I am using the diagonalNetwork
function as shown in the code below.
The forceNetwork
function has an option to make a clickaction
to respond when a node is clicked. However, I cannot find a similar option for the diagonalNetwork
function. Is there another way to implement this?
#### Load necessary packages and data ####
hc <- hclust(dist(USArrests), "ave")
URL <- paste0(
## Convert to list format
Flare <- jsonlite::fromJSON(URL, simplifyDataFrame = FALSE)
#### Server ####
server <- function(input, output) {
output$simple <- renderDiagonalNetwork({
diagonalNetwork(List = Flare, fontSize = 10, opacity = 0.9)
output$force <- renderForceNetwork({
forceNetwork(Links = MisLinks, Nodes = MisNodes, Source = "source",
Target = "target", Value = "value", NodeID = "name",
Group = "group", opacity = input$opacity)
#dendroNetwork(hc, height = 600)
# dendroNetwork(hc, height = 500, width = 800, fontSize = 10,
# linkColour = "#ccc", nodeColour = "#fff", nodeStroke = "steelblue",
# textColour = "#111", textOpacity = 0.9, textRotate = NULL,
# opacity = 0.9, margins = NULL, linkType = c("elbow", "diagonal"),
# treeOrientation = c("horizontal", "vertical"), zoom = FALSE)
#### UI ####
ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
titlePanel("Shiny networkD3 "),
sliderInput("opacity", "Opacity (not for Sankey)", 0.6, min = 0.1,
max = 1, step = .1)
tabPanel("Simple Network", diagonalNetworkOutput("simple")),
tabPanel("Force Network", forceNetworkOutput("force"))
#### Run ####
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)