Despite controversy I like Telegram and it's bots. I would like using a couple of bots as personal assistants. However I'm paranoid with regards to secure network communication and data privacy. The idea of trusting my private data to some possibly mean kid or unsafe data storage is daunting.
So consequently I thought I snap twice, sing bibbidi-bobbidi-boo quickly and then have a self-written Telegram bot ready on a Raspberry Pi hosted in my basement (or possibly hosted in the cloud, when I trust the provider).
But then I'm wondering: Is end-to-end encryption implemented for private chats with Telegram bots? The Telegram clients are open source, however the server is not as far as I'm aware. And in general you never know what's happening behind the scenes on the servers of Telegram Messenger LLP.
I've ran up and the down the whole net twice, but I could only find the official, technical documentation about end-to-end encryption in general. To me it seems private chats with bots are encrypted, but I just want to double-check I am not overseeing something. Thanks.