To start my project, I ran vue init webpack my-project
, but I excluded E2E tests. Now I changed my mind and do want to include E2E tests. How can I add them to my project?
Note to readers: Tarun Lalwani's answer worked great for me. However you may want to consider using TestCafe, as it works without any configuration.
I've tried creating a dummy project using the command vue init webpack my--project
so that I could copy-paste the test/e2e directory and then try to work from there, but it hasn't worked. I copy-pasted the npm script too, tried running npm run e2e
and then updated my code based on the error messages I got.
I've reached a point where I've gotten a TypeError: webpack.optimize.ModuleConcatenationPlugin is not a constructor
error. const webpack = require('webpack')
, and I've ran npm update
to make sure that the webpack
node module is up to date, so I don't know why I'm getting that error.
Regardless, this approach of trying to run npm run e2e
and then update my code based on the error messages seems somewhat unlikely to succeed.
"name": "premium-poker-tools",
"version": "1.0.0",
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"author": "Adam Zerner <[email protected]>",
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