In my react native project, I have a picker that allow user to filter staffs by branch. I got the label name and value from my database. Now I can got branch id from picker value and able to filter staffs by branch with this link
My problem is that I want to update my state value to show user which branch they have selected instead of display id. How can I get picker label name and update it to my state?
Here is my code:
style={{ flex: 1 }}
onValueChange={(value, index) => this.onPickerValueChange(value, index)}
{ =>{
return (
<PickerIOS.Item key={} label={} value={}/>
Now I can get the value and index, but I want to get index from my database instead of array index.
onPickerValueChange = (value, index) => {
pickerSelected: value
() => {
console.log(value, index);
Thank for help.