(Code and Instructions is for C# and may need to be slightly altered for other languages)
This example works perfect if you want to read from a Parent Node that has many children, for example look at the following XML;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<emailAddress>[email protected]</emailAddress>
<emailAddress>[email protected]</emailAddress>
Now with this code below (keeping in mind that the XML File is stored in resources (See the links at end of snippet for help on resources) You can obtain each email address within the "emails" tag.
XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(Properties.Resources.EmailAddresses);
var emailAddresses = (from emails in doc.Descendants("emailAddress")
select emails.Value);
foreach (var email in emailAddresses)
//Comment out if using WPF or Windows Form project
//Remove comment if using WPF or Windows Form project
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- rgreen@set_ig.ca
Note: For Console Application and WPF or Windows Forms you must add the "using System.Xml.Linq;" Using directive at the top of your project, for Console you will also need to add a reference to this namespace before adding the Using directive. Also for Console there will be no Resource file by default under the "Properties folder" so you have to manually add the Resource file. The MSDN articles below, explain this in detail.
Adding and Editing Resources
How to: Add or Remove Resources