I am developing a Kotlin/Native app and I would like to pass arguments to it via Gradle.
There are tasks like runDebugExecutableNative
. Is there some way to do something like:
./gradlew runDebugExecutableNative --args='myFirstArg mySecondArg'
I am developing a Kotlin/Native app and I would like to pass arguments to it via Gradle.
There are tasks like runDebugExecutableNative
. Is there some way to do something like:
./gradlew runDebugExecutableNative --args='myFirstArg mySecondArg'
The program entry point of any Kotlin application is the main
function. This function accepts a variable number of String
arguments which resemble the command line arguments. If you build your native app executable with such a function, then you can pass it arguments when you run the app. You can either run the built executable manually or from Gradle.
Here’s a small sample project (tested with Gradle 8.0.2, leaving out the Gradle Wrapper files for brevity):
├── build.gradle
├── settings.gradle
└── src
└── commonMain
└── kotlin
└── main.kt
plugins {
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform' version '1.8.20'
kotlin {
// Instead of "linuxX64", use the target platform you’re interested in, see:
// <https://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform-dsl-reference.html#targets>
linuxX64('myApp') {
// See also:
// <https://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform-dsl-reference.html#binaries>
binaries {
executable {
// The following adds support for passing in command line args
// via the custom Gradle property "runArgs" when running the app
// with Gradle. This is required as long as
// <https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-55617> is not fixed.
if (runTask != null) {
def args = providers.gradleProperty("runArgs")
// The "runTask" is an "Exec" task, so it has the
// "argumentProviders" list property to which we can add our
// own arg provider which is based on the project property
// value; see also:
// <https://docs.gradle.org/8.0.2/javadoc/org/gradle/api/tasks/AbstractExecTask.html#getArgumentProviders-->
args.orNull?.split(' ') as List ?: []
} as CommandLineArgumentProvider)
repositories {
rootProject.name = 'myApp'
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println("Hello, ${args.asList()}!")
$ ./gradlew runReleaseExecutableMyApp -PrunArgs='my friend'
> Task :runReleaseExecutableMyApp
Hello, [my, friend]!
See also the Gradle docs on project properties for details on this -P…
$ ./gradlew myAppBinaries
$ ./build/bin/myApp/releaseExecutable/myApp.kexe my friend
Hello, [my, friend]!
Please try using binaries
parameter, described here. For the example you mention, it should probably go like this(based on the code from samples/gitchurn)
binaries {
executable {
runTask?.args("myFirstArg mySecondArg")
with Native is tracked via: youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-55617 –
Maximamaximal Following on from the great answer from @Chriki, only a couple of tweaks are needed to make it work in a build.gradle.kts
file. I'll use the current auto-generated file by IntelliJ IDEA as a base.
plugins {
kotlin("multiplatform") version "1.8.20"
kotlin {
val hostOs = System.getProperty("os.name")
val isMacOs = hostOs == "Mac OS X"
val isLinux = hostOs == "Linux"
val isMingwX64 = hostOs.startsWith("Windows")
val nativeTarget = when {
isMacOs -> macosArm64("native") // Apple silicon. Use `macosX64("native")` for Intel
isLinux -> linuxX64("native")
isMingwX64 -> mingwX64("native")
else -> throw GradleException("Host OS '$hostOs' is not supported in Kotlin/Native.")
nativeTarget.apply {
binaries {
executable {
entryPoint = "main"
runTask?.run {
val args = providers.gradleProperty("runArgs")
argumentProviders.add(CommandLineArgumentProvider {
args.orNull?.split(' ') ?: emptyList()
sourceSets {...}
repositories {
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