I think it's very important to mention that it depends on what your client/server environment look like.
If you are passing bytes multiple times without inspection, such as with a message queue system or streaming log entries to disk, then you may well prefer a binary encoding to emphasize the compact size. Otherwise it's a case by case issue with different environments.
Some environments can have very fast serialization and deserialization to/from msgpack/protobuf's, others not so much. In general, the more low-level the language/environment the better binary serialization will work. In higher level languages (node.js, .Net, JVM) you will often see that JSON serialization is actually faster. The question then becomes is your network overhead more or less constrained than your memory/cpu?
With regards to msgpack vs bson vs protocol buffers... msgpack is the least bytes of the group, protocol buffers being about the same. BSON defines more broad native types than the other two, and may be a better match to your object model, but this makes it more verbose. Protocol buffers have the advantage of being designed to stream... which makes it a more natural format for a binary transfer/storage format.
Personally, I would lean towards the transparency that JSON offers directly, unless there is a clear need for lighter traffic. Over HTTP with gzipped data, the difference in network overhead are even less of an issue between the formats.