I was trying to use fastapi users package to quickly Add a registration and authentication system to my FastAPI project which uses the PostgreSQL database. I am using asyncio
to be able to create asynchronous functions.
In the beginning, I used only sqlAlchemy and I have tried their example here. And I added those line of codes to my app/app.py to create the database at the starting of the server. and everything worked like a charm. the table users was created on my database.
async def on_startup():
await create_db_and_tables()
Since I am using SQLModel I added FastAPI Users - Database adapter for SQLModel to my virtual en packages. And I added those lines to fastapi_users/db/__init__.py
to be able to use the SQL model database.
from fastapi_users_db_sqlmodel import ( # noqa: F401
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
I have also modified app/users.py
, to use SQLModelUserDatabase
instead of sqlAchemy one.
async def get_user_manager(user_db: SQLModelUserDatabase = Depends(get_user_db)):
yield UserManager(user_db)
and the app/dp.py
to use SQLModelUserDatabase
, SQLModelBaseUserDB
, here is the full code of app/db.py
import os
from typing import AsyncGenerator
from fastapi import Depends
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession, create_async_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from fastapi_users.db import SQLModelUserDatabase, SQLModelBaseUserDB
from sqlmodel import SQLModel
from app.models import UserDB
DATABASE_URL = os.environ.get("DATABASE_URL")
engine = create_async_engine(DATABASE_URL)
async_session_maker = sessionmaker(
engine, class_=AsyncSession, expire_on_commit=False)
async def create_db_and_tables():
async with engine.begin() as conn:
await conn.run_sync(SQLModel.metadata.create_all)
async def get_async_session() -> AsyncSession:
async_session = sessionmaker(
engine, class_=AsyncSession, expire_on_commit=False
async with async_session() as session:
yield session
async def get_user_db(session: AsyncSession = Depends(get_async_session)):
yield SQLModelUserDatabase(UserDB, session, SQLModelBaseUserDB)
Once I run the code, the table is not created at all. I wonder what could be the issue. I could not understand. Any idea?
inherit from the exampleUser
class defined in theapp/db.py
file from full example? (Which then inherits fromSQLAlchemyBaseUserTableUUID
) – Hispid