I dont't know if it's best practice, but you can hook up on def at_post_create_script
from base object on creation and manage_beforeDelete
on delete.
for example:
from Products.ATContentTypes.lib import constraintypes
class YourContentype(folder.ATFolder)
def at_post_create(self):
origin = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))
origin.setConstrainTypesMode(constraintypes.ENABLED) # enable constrain types
org_types = origin.getLocallyAllowedTypes() # returns an immutable tuple
new_types = [x for x in org_types if x! = self.portal_type] # filter tuple into a list
def manage_beforeDelete(self, item, container)
BaseObject.manage_beforeDelete(self, item, container) # from baseObject
self._v_cp_refs = None # from baseObject
origin = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))
origin.setConstrainTypesMode(constraintypes.ENABLED) # enable constrain types
org_types = origin.getLocallyAllowedTypes() # returns an immutable tuple
new_types = [x for x in org_types].append(self.portal_type)
Note: There is also a method called setImmediatelyAddableTypes()
, which you may want to explore.
Note II: This does not survive content migration.