I'm working on a browser game with the play framework, and I definitely need longpolling, but I don't quite understand how to use it. WebSockets would be perfect for this, but it's not supported by that many browsers yet.
Here's what I want to do: When the user logs in, and navigates to the play game controller, I want to start a connection, and keep it open. I want to do this for all users that are online, so I can show a list of them on the site, so they can play with each other. I've looked at the documentation, but I don't understand how I could implement it in my case. Because there simply isn't anything I want to calculate (in the example they're generating a pdf) I just want the connection to stay open.
What I'm also wondering is, how I should keep track of all these open connections? Right now, I just have an online
column in my users table in the database, which I update. SO everytime someone connects I have to update the database. Are there better ways to do this, or is this fine?
And lastly, assuming all of the above works. When player A, selects player B to play with: how do I notify player B of this? Do I just send some JSON code, and change the page with javascript, on player B's side, or do I send him to a totally different page? I'm not sure how to communicate when the two connections are established and the game has started.