I have the situation that I have a small binary image that has one shape, around which I want to find the best fitting rotated rectangle (not bounding rectangle). I know that there is cv::minAreaRect() that you apply on the result found by cv::findContours(), but this has delivered poor results in my case, because the data is noisy (coming from MS Kinect, see example picture where rotation changes due to the input data (contour) being slightly different). What I did instead was to calculate the principal axis using PCA on my binary image (which is less sensitive to noise), which yields angle "a", and now I want to create a RotatedRect
around my shape, given the angle of the principal axis, a).
I have an illustration, made with my superb Paint skills!
So then my question is: do you guys have code snippets or concrete suggestions to solve this? I'm afraid that I have to do many Bresenham iterations, hoping that there is a clever approach.
Btw, for those who are not too familiar with the RotatedRect data structure of openCV: it is defined by height, width, angle, and center point, assuming that center point is actually, well, in the center of the rectangle.