I am having trouble achieving the correct segmentation of a grayscale image:
The ground truth, i.e. what I would like the segmentation to look like, is this:
I am most interested in the three components within the circle. Thus, as you can see, I would like to segment the top image into three components: two semi-circles, and a rectangle between them.
I have tried various combinations of dilation, erosion, and reconstruction, as well as various clustering algorithms, including k-means, isodata, and mixture of gaussians--all with varying degrees of success.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Edit: here is the best result I've been able to obtain. This was obtained using an active contour to segment the circular ROI, and then applying isodata clustering:
There are two problems with this:
- The white halo around the bottom-right cluster, belonging to the top-left cluster
- The gray halo around both the top-right and bottom-left cluster, belonging to the center cluster.