When I boot up my rails console in development I see FactoryGirl creating objects. Clearly I'm doing it wrong, but what's the right way to do this? This code makes my tests work...
# tests/factories/board.rb
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :word do
sequence(:text) { |n| "FAKETEXT#{n}" }
factory :board do
trait :has_words do
words [
FactoryGirl.create(:word, id: "514b81cae14cfa78f335e250"),
FactoryGirl.create(:word, id: "514b81cae14cfa7917e443f0"),
FactoryGirl.create(:word, id: "514b81cae14cfa79182407a2"),
FactoryGirl.create(:word, id: "514b81cae14cfa78f581c534")
Note there's no mention of factory anything in any file in my config
directory, so whatever loading is happening automatically by the gem. The relevant part of my Gemfile
# Stuff not to use in production
group :development, :test do
# Command-line debugger for development
gem "debugger"
# for unit testing - replace fixtures
gem "factory_girl_rails"
So I could just take factory girl out of the development environment. But I think the fact that these records are being created before the factory is being used is a sign that I've written my factory incorrectly. But if you tell me the factory is written correctly, I'll just do that.
and see if it's called anywhere? – Piet