For Quartz Cron, is it possible at all to specify a cronexpression that corresponds to:
Run every 6 minutes, starting from 9:12 AM until 5:37 PM.
I attempted to write the cronexpression 0 12-37/6 9-17 ? * *
but this does only runs once an hour. I also understand that the cronexpression 0 /6 9-17 ? * *
corresponds to Run every 6 minutes between the hours of 9 AM and 5 PM
But is there any way to constrain the starting and ending minutes on that cronexpression? More generally, can I specify an arbitrary start and end time with the job in question running every n
intervals of time?
0 12-37/6 9-17 * * *
should do 9:12, 19, 24, 30, and 36 skip to 10:12 and run 5 times that hour. And keep on running 5 times an hour until 5:36 PM. – Manumit