Swift variable, constant, Property
[Swift types]
- named storage of address. Every variable has a type which defines a memory size, attributes and behaviours
Swift variable and constants
is a variable
but can not be modified after definition.
var <name> = <initial_value>
//type annotation
var <name>: <Swift_type> [= <initial_value>] // [] is optional
//var - variable
var myVariable1 = 11
var myVariable2: Int
myVariable2 = 12
//let - constant
let myConstant1 = 21
let myConstant2: Int
myConstant2 = 22
Global and local variable
Global variable is a variable which is defined out of function, class.
Local variable is: variable inside a type context(class, struct, enum)[About], inside a function, function parameter
- associate value with a type context. It is a variable + bounded getter/setter
. It has field syntax but uses methods(getter/setter) under the hood.
Stored properties and computed properties
They can belong to instance(instance property
) or type(type property
Stored property
(class, structure)
Computed property
(class, structure, enum)
Stored property
- is a local variable
-> variable inside a type context. Swift stored property does not support instance variable
like Objective-C.
- variable stored properties -
- constant stored properties -
It supports property observers
, didSet
Computed property
- provide getter
and optional setter
to calculate a value every time
public class Person {
var firstName = "John"
var lastName = "Wick"
var fullNameComputedProperty: String {
get {
return "\(firstName) \(lastName)"
set {
let arr = newValue.split(separator: " ")
firstName = String(arr[0])
lastName = String(arr[1])
var addressStoredProperty: String {
//Property Observers
willSet {
print("old address:\(addressStoredProperty)")
print("new address:\(newValue)")
//addressStoredProperty is not updated yet
didSet {
print("old address:\(oldValue)")
print("new address:\(addressStoredProperty)")
Lazy Stored property
Property is calculate during first access to it(on demand)
- only
var lazy
because let
must have a value during initialization
Init/customize stored property by closure
Official doc
You are able to init/setup/customise a stored property with a help of closure
at the end executes the closure immediately and assign a value to stored property(calculate and return a value).
- in initializing case it is not possible to access to any instance variable or function because it has not initialized yet
- in initializing case it will be executed only once for every object or if you use static - once for the class[Example]
func testStoredPropertyWithClosure() {
class ClassA { }
class ClassB {
static let staticStoredProperty: ClassA = {
//is called only when you access to it like ClassB.staticStoredProperty
print("init staticStoredProperty")
return ClassA()
var storedProperty: ClassA = {
print("init storedProperty")
//self.foo() //Error: Class declaration cannot close over value 'self' defined in outer scope
return ClassA()
func foo () {
storedProperty = {
print("customize storedProperty")
return ClassA()
let b = ClassB()
closure stored property
vs Computed property
closure stored property
is called once and can be changed after initialization(if it is var
Computed property
is calculated every time when it is called
[Java variable, property...]