In Sakai, I successfully get a Assignemnt via url: http://xxx/direct/assignment/ASSIGNMENTID.xml
. However, in this entity, there is no detailed context (I mean, the teacher's instruction of assignment). There's only a content contentReference
element in XML.
When I followed this link, I got 404 Error:
Attempted to access an entity URL path (/assignment/c/mercury/b0de53c7-09b6-4ba0-964b-cb0a9e5a028d) for an entity (/assignment/c) that does not exist
I tried Google for API document on Sakai entity, but it turns out to be out dated (some url are wrong on my demo version of Sakai 2.9.3). Then I tried digging into the source code of Sakai. However, what I found is only a file on rsmart server: :
In it I found:
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Must include context and assignmentId in the path ("
+ view
+ "): e.g. /assignment/a/{context}/{assignmentId}");
I tried using this URL on my server to get the detailed content(especially the teacher's instruction). Still another 404 Error with the same content as above.
At last, I found that the /assignment/a/
might be a mis-spelling of /assignment/annc/{context}/{assignmentId}
. So now I sent:
Another error pop out:
HTTP Status 500 - EntityEncodingException: Unable to handle output request for format xml for this path (/assignment/annc/mercury/403d28b4-e152-463d-a615-972db97d34d3.xml) for prefix (assignment) for entity (/assignment/annc), request url (/assignment/annc/mercury/403d28b4-e152-463d-a615-972db97d34d3.xml): Failure during internal output encoding of entity: /assignment/annc
Any idea about the url to get the teacher's instruction data via RESTful? Thx.
The XML data of an assignment.
<assignment type='bean' size='29'>
<access type='bean' size='0'>
<attachments type='collection' size='1'>
<decoratedattachment type='bean' size='2'>
<name>LC Circuit (show name).png</name>
<authors type='collection' size='0'>
<closeTime type='bean' size='2'>
<display>2014-9-12 下午5:00</display>
<time type='number'>1410512400000</time>
<closeTimeString>2014-9-12 下午5:00</closeTimeString>
<dropDeadTime type='bean' size='2'>
<display>2014-8-12 下午5:00</display>
<time type='number'>1407834000000</time>
<dropDeadTimeString>2014-8-12 下午5:00</dropDeadTimeString>
<dueTime type='bean' size='2'>
<display>2014-8-12 下午5:00</display>
<time type='number'>1407834000000</time>
<dueTimeString>2014-8-12 下午5:00</dueTimeString>
<groups type='collection' size='0'>
<openTime type='bean' size='2'>
<display>2014-5-5 下午12:00</display>
<time type='number'>1399262400000</time>
<openTimeString>2014-5-5 下午12:00</openTimeString>
<position_order type='number'>0</position_order>
<timeCreated type='bean' size='2'>
<display>2014-5-5 上午11:33</display>
<time type='number'>1399260782158</time>
<timeLastModified type='bean' size='2'>
<display>2014-5-6 上午8:46</display>
<time type='number'>1399337194163</time>
<title>A test assign</title>
<draft type='boolean'>false</draft>
<entityTitle>A test assign</entityTitle>