I am trying to create a docker image for Couchbase and i get the following error with the dockerfile on CentOS image.
# expose default port
ENV PATH $PATH:/opt/couchbase/bin
RUN cd /var/tmp &&\
wget http://packages.couchbase.com/releases/2.5.0/couchbase-server-enterprise_2.5.0_x86_64.rpm &&\
rpm -ivh couchbase-server-enterprise_2.5.0_x86_64.rpm &&\
chkconfig couchbase-server on &&\
service couchbase-server start
#add start script to the container
ADD start /start
#make the script executable
RUN chmod 0755 /start
EXPOSE 11211 11210 11209 4369 8092 18091 18092 11214 11215
#start mysql service and launch the command console
CMD ["/start"]
When building it, i am getting the following error ..
ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted
ulimit: max locked memory: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted
I saw in a forum that we can set these values in docker.conf files. But i tried creating this file /etc/init/docker.conf and put the following lines in that file-
limit memlock unlimited unlimited limit nofile 262144
but still i get the same error.
If i follow the same steps manually on CentOS VM, it works. So i guess i need to set something on Docker CentOS image.