I can easily ascend the class hierarchy in Ruby:
String.ancestors # [String, Enumerable, Comparable, Object, Kernel]
Enumerable.ancestors # [Enumerable]
Comparable.ancestors # [Comparable]
Object.ancestors # [Object, Kernel]
Kernel.ancestors # [Kernel]
Is there any way to descend the hierarchy as well? I'd like to do this
Animal.descendants # [Dog, Cat, Human, ...]
Dog.descendants # [Labrador, GreatDane, Airedale, ...]
Enumerable.descendants # [String, Array, ...]
but there doesn't seem to be a descendants
(This question comes up because I want to find all the models in a Rails application that descend from a base class and list them; I have a controller that can work with any such model and I'd like to be able to add new models without having to modify the controller.)