I'm confused how -Passthru
From my understanding, the -Passthru
parameter is used for passing the result of a cmdlet to the pipeline even the cmdlet itself doesn't produce any results.
I tried to write these code first: (I'm trying to recycle the IIS Application Pool without using Restart-WebAppPool
Stop-WebAppPool -Name Foo
Start-WebAppPool -Name Foo
As I expected, it takes time to stop a IIS ApplicationPool, and since PowerShell does not wait for cmdlets to finish their job, the Stop-WebAppPool
stops the application pool and returns. Because the application pool is not ready to get started, the Start-WebAppPool
is called and error is thrown.
So I changed my code into these:
Stop-WebAppPool -Name Foo
Start-Sleep -Seconds SomeValueNeedToGetMeasuredAndChanged
Start-WebAppPool -Name Foo
It works but not very elegent and flexible.
Then I add -Passthru
to both of the cmdlets, it becomes:
Stop-WebAppPool -Name Foo -Passthru
Start-WebAppPool -Name Foo -Passthru
Everything goes fine and no error is thrown.
In my case, I suppose:
The Stop/Start-WebAppPool cmdlet does not produce any results until the Application Pool really get stopped/started. Since -Passthru
requires something to pass to the pipeline, PowerShell waits for the cmdlet produces its result, in this case, application pool get stopped/started, to execute the next one.
I can't find any useful manuals on either -Passthru
or Stop-WebAppPool
, so is it alright to do so in this case?
and used codes you provided above! Works like a charm! – Coyne