I am attempting to calculate the correlation between all the rows of a large data frame, and so far have come up with a simple for-loop that works. For example:
name <- c("a", "b", "c", "d")
col1 <- c(43.78, 43.84, 37.92, 31.72)
col2 <- c(43.80, 43.40, 37.64, 31.62)
col3 <- c(43.14, 42.85, 37.54, 31.74)
df <- data.frame(name, col1, col2, col3)
cor.df <- data.frame(name1=NA, name2=NA,correl=NA)
for(i in 1: (nrow(df) - 1)) {
for(j in (i+1): nrow(df) ) {
v1 <- as.numeric( df[i, 2:ncol(df)] )
v2 <- as.numeric( df[j, 2:ncol(df)] )
correl <- cor(v1, v2)
name1 <- df[i, "name"]
name2 <- df[j, "name"]
dftemp <- data.frame(name1, name2, correl)
cor.df <- rbind(cor.df, dftemp)
# name1 name2 correl
# a b 0.8841255
# a c 0.6842705
# a d -0.6491118
# b c 0.9457125
# b d -0.2184630
# c d 0.1105508
Given the large data frame and the inefficient for-loop, the correlation computation takes a long time. Would anyone have any suggestions as to how to make it faster? Note that I have many data frames in a list, so I can use lapply (but have not figured out how to write the line of code)