In Java, we can do something like this:
synchronized(a) {
while(condition == false) {
//critical section ...
//do something
The above is a conditional synchronized block, that waits for a condition to become successful to execute a critical section.
When a.wait is executed (for say 100 ms), the thread exits critical section for that duration & some other critical section synchronized by object a executes, which makes condition true.
When the condition becomes successful, next time current thread enters the critical section and evaluates condition, loop exits and code executes.
Important points to note: 1. Multiple critical sections synchronized by same object. 2. A thread is not in critical section for only the duration of wait. Once wait comes out, the thread is in critical section again.
Is the below the proper way to do the same in Swift 4 using DispatchSemaphore?
while condition == false {
//execute critical section
The condition could get modified by the time we enter critical section.
So, we might have to do something like below to achieve the Java behavior. Is there a simpler way to do this in Swift?
while true {
if condition == false {
//sleep for sometime to prevent frequent polling
} else {
//execute critical section