My employer has a business need to make Java builds byte-for-byte reproducible. I am aware of the difficulties in making JAR files reproducible (due to archiving order and time stamps), but at this point I’m talking about class files.
I have builds of the same code using Java 8u65, both on Mac and on Linux. The class files are binarily different. Both classes decompile back to the same source; to see the difference requires the javap disassembler.
The source code seems to be:
final TrustStrategy acceptingTrustStrategy =
(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) -> true;
On one build, the result is:
private static boolean lambda$restTemplate$38([], java.lang.String) throws;
0: iconst_1
1: ireturn
On the other, it is:
private static boolean lambda$restTemplate$15([], java.lang.String) throws;
0: iconst_1
1: ireturn
Anonymous lambdas are getting names with different numbers in them (lambda$restTemplate$15
versus lambda$restTemplate$38
It appears that, when I rebuild on the same host, I get the same bytes. When the host differs, the numbers change; two Linux hosts produced different bytes.
What determines these numbers? Is there a way to force every compilation to use the same numbers in this place, and thus produce the same class files? Or is Java 8 class file compilation indeterministic?