When you have an app service, it has a "configuration" tab, which allows you to define key-value pairs that are treated as environment variables by your application.
Azure also has "Azure App Configuration" which is sort of like a cloud app.config where you can define key-value pairs and app service applications can access them.
As far as I know the recommended best practice is to use Azure App Configuration over the App Service's "Configuration" tab for values/data that isn't tied to the environment.
Still, why bother with an additional service when the "Configuration" does exactly the same thing (except the "flags" feature). Just store your config values there and access them as env. variables. Yes, it might not be a best practice, but what are the downsides? Why shouldn't I do it?
Yes, I can centrally manage multiple applications' settings from the app config but IMHGDBO that isn't that much of a bonus unless I have a lot of applications.